方焄蓮 主任









藥師證書、醫學美容師、醫學美容師認證證書、醫學美容諮詢師、色彩療癒一階證照、觀光餐旅服務管理師甲級證照、會議展覽行銷管理師甲級證照、觀光休閒客戶關係管理師甲級證照、電腦應用 Word 2010專業級合格證書




1.         Kuan-Chung Hsiao, Neng-Yao Shih, Hsun-Lang Fang, Tze-Sing Huang, Ching-Chuan Kuo, Pei-Yi Chu, Yi-Mei Hung, Shao-Wen Chou, Yi-Yuan Yang, Gee-Chen Chang., Ko-Jiunn Liu.. (2013)Surface α-Enolase Promotes Extracellular Matrix Degradation and Tumor Metastasis and Represents a New Therapeutic Target. PLOSone, 8(7),1-15 (SCI)

2.         Kwang-Yu Chang, Shan-Yin Tsai, Shang-Hung Chen, Hsiao-Hui Tsou, Chia-Jui Yen, Ko-Jiunn Liu,Hsun-Lang Fang, Hung-Chang Wu, Bin-Fay Chuang, Shao-Wen Chou, Careen K Tang, Shyun-Yeu Liu,Pei-Jung Lu, Ching-Yu Yen and Jang-Yang Chang. (2013) Dissecting the EGFR-PI3K-AKT pathway in oral cancer highlights the role of the EGFR variant III and its clinical relevance, 20(1),43-53

3.         陳重光.黃雅佩.方焄蓮.黃雅瑜(2013) 女性痛經影響因素與舒緩方法之研究以南部某專科學校為例 護理雜誌,60(3),40-50

4.         Wu Yueh-Wern; Fang Hsun-Lang; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2010, Post-treatment of Ganoderma lucidum reduced liver fibrosis induced by thioacetamide in mice. Phytotherapy research 24(4):494-9. SCI

5.         Lai Jinn-Tsyy; Hsieh Wen-Tsong; Fang Hsun-Lang; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2009, The protective effects of a fermented substance from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats. Clinical nutrition 28(3):338-45. SCI

6.         Fang Hsun-Lang; Lai Jinn-Tsyy; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2008, Inhibitory effect of olive oil on fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rat liver. Clinical nutrition 27(6):900-7. SCI

7.          Fang Hsun-Lang; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2008, Lipid peroxidation products do not activate hepatic stellate cells. Toxicology 253(1-3):36-45. SCI

8.         Lai Jinn-Tsyy; Fang Hsun-Lang; Hsieh Wen-Tsong; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2008, Protective effect of a fermented substance from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on liver injury in mice caused by acetaminophen. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 72(10):2514-20. SCI

9.         Hsieh Chang-Chi; Fang Hsun-Lang; Lina Wen-Chuan, 2008, Inhibitory effect of Solanum nigrum on thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in mice. Journal of ethnopharmacology 119(1):117-21. SCI

10.     Fang Hsun-Lang; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2008, Corn oil enhancing hepatic lipid peroxidation induced by CCl4 does not aggravate liver fibrosis in rats. Food and chemical toxicology 46(6):2267-73. SCI

11.     Fang Hsun-Lang; Wu Jin-Bin; Lin Wei-Lii; Ho Hui-Ya; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2008, Further studies on the hepatoprotective effects of Anoectochilus formosanus. Phytotherapy research 22(3):291-6. SCI

12.     Fang Hsun-Lang; Lai Jinn-Jsyy; Lin Wei-Lii; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2007, A fermented substance from Aspergillus phoenicis reduces liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats.

Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 71(5):1154-61. SCI

13.     Fang Hsun-Lang; Lin Hui-Yi; Chan Ming-Che; Lin Wei-Lii; Lin Wen-Chuan, 2007, Treatment of chronic liver injuries in mice by oral administration of ethanolic extract of the fruit of Hovenia dulcis. The American journal of Chinese medicine 35(4):693-703. SCI


1.         羅蕙玲、黃奕瑄、方焄蓮、張文軫(2013)芳香療法對痤瘡皮膚改善之成效.2013年護理健康學術暨技術研發研討會.

2.         方焄蓮、趙涵儒、朱旆億(2013) 於狗動物模型中探討Klf基因在自然發生之乳房腫瘤的調控機制之研究. 2013健康與管理學術研討會.

3.         林雅琪、方焄蓮、張文軫 (2013) 服用蜂蜜水改善便秘之探討.2013健康與管理學術研討會.

4.         卓依萱、方焄蓮、張文軫 (2013) 芳香療法對於消化系統之改善.2013健康與管理學術研討會.

5.         王淨樺、方焄蓮、張文軫 (2013) 穴道按壓舒緩經痛研究之成效探討. 2013健康與管理學術研討會.

6.         謝彥豪、林珮綺、方焄蓮、張文軫 (2013) 黑豆蜂蜜敷面泥美白功效評估. 2013健康與管理學術研討會.

7.         趙涵儒、方焄蓮、朱旆億 (2013) 於狗動物模型中探討Wnt-5a基因在自然發生之口腔腫瘤的調控機制之研究2013健康與管理學術研討會

8.         Hsun-Lang Fang1, Pei-Yi Chu2-4, Shu-Hui Lin2, Chung-Min Yeh2, Ko-Hung Shen2, Pei-Ru Wu2, Tzu-Cheng Su2, Kun-Tu Yeh2,5,6 Study on the role of wingless-type mmtv integration site family member 5a in development of tumor progression and as a target of molecule therapy in skin cancer. 2011, The 7th Asia Pacific IAP Congress

9.         Pei-Yi Chu1-3, Hsun-Lang Fang4, Hui-Chun Tai1, Chung-Min Yeh1, Shu-Hui Lin1, Ya-Sian Chang5, Jan-Gowth Chang5, Kun-Tu Yeh5,6. Study on the correlation between levels of diacylglycerol kinase and protein kinase c and clinical status in oral cancer patients. 2011, The 7th Asia Pacific IAP Congress

10.     Pei-Yi Chu1-3, Hsun-Lang Fang4, Albert Taiching Liao2, Kun-Tu Yeh1,5,6, Chen-Hsuan Liu2 Comparative studies of tumor classification systems between canine and human mammary gland tumors. 2011,The 7th Asia Pacific IAP Congress

11.     Hsun-Lang Fang1, Pei-Yi Chu 2, Chung-MinYeh 2, Shu-Hui Lin2, Kun-Tu Yeh2,3 and Jan-Gowth Chang3 , 2010,Study On The Correlation Between Levels Of Diacylglycerol Kinase And Protein Kinas C And Clinical Status In Oral Cancer Patients. The 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference, Taiwan.

12.     Hsun-Lang Fang, Ching-Yu Yen, Shao-Tsung Chang, Yi-Chuan Yao, Yi-Mei Hung, Neng-Yao Shih, Shyun-Yeu Liu, Ko-Jiunn Liu, 2009, Study on the correlation between levels of alpha-enolase, antibody against alpha-enolase and clinical status in oral cancer patients. 2th NHRI research day Taiwan.

13.     Hsun-Lang Fang, Ching-Yu Yen, Shao-Tsung Chang, Yi-Chuan Yao, Yi-Mei Hung, Neng-Yao Shih, Shyun-Yeu Liu, Ko-Jiunn Liu, 2009, Study on the correlation between levels of alpha-enolase, antibody against alpha-enolase and clinical status in oral cancer patients. 4th Annual Meeting of Drug discovery &development Japan.


1.   The study on regulation role of the Klf gene in dog spontaneous breast cancer model.

2.   The study on regulation role of the Wnt-5a gene in dog spontaneous oral cancer model.


   美容實用解剖生理學 張文軫、趙涵儒、方焄蓮編譯 合記出版社


