柯清彬 教師
姓名:柯清彬 |
電話:6226111-369 |
E-mail:A262@o365.mhchcm.edu.tw |
現職:副教授 |
專長:分析化學、化妝品化學 |
學歷:台灣大學化學研究所博士 |
經歷:敏惠醫專環安中心主任 |
授課經驗:化學、美容衛生及化妝品法規、化妝品分析與調製 |
碩博士論文 1.雷射離化和雷射誘發螢光光譜法在空氣/乙炔火焰中的應用:微量分析,基質效應,溫度量測和層析儀偵測器(1997)博士論文。 2.小分子氣體共存下之碘化鉀光分解研究(1992)碩士論文。
期刊論文 C. B. Ke, S. H. Chou, K. C. Lin and W. T. Luh, Determination of Branching Ratio and Collisional Mixing Rate of K(5PJ) Doublts following 193nm Photodissociation of KI in the Prescence of Ar, He, CH4 and CO2, J.Phys.Chem. 97:604-609, 1993. K. C. Lin, C. B. Ke and K. C. Wang, UV-laser Photolysis of KI:determination of quantum yield, fine-structure branching ratio and collisional mixing rate of photofragments, SPIE 1858:406-432, 1993. C. B. Ke, K. C. Lin and W. T. Luh, The 248nm Photodissociation of KI: determination of the branching ratio of K(4PJ) doublts in the prescence of Ar, H2 and N2, J.Chem.Phys. 99:9603-9607, 1993. C. B. Ke and K. C. Lin, Spatially Resolved Temperature Determination of an Air/Acetylene Flame Using the Two-Step Laser-Enhanced Ionization Technique, Appl.Spectrosc. 52:187-194 ,1998. C. B. Ke and K. C. Lin, Laser-Enhanced Ionization Detection of Pb in Seawater by Flow-injection Analysis with on-line Preconcentration and Separation, Anal. Chem. 71:1561-1567 , 1999. C. B. Ke, K. D. Su and K. C. Lin, Laser-Enhanced Ionization and Laser-induced Atomic Fluorescence as Element-specific Detectors for the Gas Chromatography: Application to Organotin Analysis, J. Chromatogr. A, 921:247-253 , 2001. C. B. Ke, S. I. Lu and K. C. Lin, Application of Laser-enhanced Ionization: Effect of Dissociation Constant on the Atomization Efficiency in an Acetylene-Air Flame, J. C. C. S. 48:977-981 , 2001. J. S. Huang, C. B. Ke, L. S. Huang and K. C. Lin, The Correlation Between Ion Production and Emission Intensity in the Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Liquid Droplets, Spectrochim. Acta B 57:35-48 , 2002. C. B. Ke and K. C. Lin, Matrix Effect of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Halides on Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Indium in Laser-induced Fluorescence Flame Spectrometry, J. C. C. S. 49:483-488, 2002. 柯清彬,游鎮烽, 探究大自然循環奧秘的雷射, 科學發展月刊 358:28-33, 2002. J. S. Huang, C. B. Ke, and K. C. Lin*, Matrix Effect on Emission/Current Correlated Analysis in Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Liquid Droplets, Spectrochim. Acta. B, 59:321-326, 2004. 柯清彬*,游鎮烽, Trace metals distributions in contemporary coral :Records of annual variations in 1988-1997 near Lutao, 敏惠學報2:43-50, 2005. 柯清彬,游鎮烽, Determination of heavy metals by graphite furnace AAS and Pollution of heavy metals in the Ell-Ren River, southern Taiwan, 敏惠學報 1: 63-82, 2004. 林宗茂,陳家盈,趙正安,陳明晃,鍾基強,柯清彬,醫院自走式污物投送設 備的創新-以南部某區域醫院為例,醫院 41(6):69-75,2008. 林宗茂,柯清彬,陳家盈,提昇醫院頂樓安全之創新方案-以南部某區域醫院為例,醫院43(1):15-22,2010. 林宗茂,柯清彬,羅月雲,林淑英,陳家盈,血液透析室設備改善-對於廢棄物減量及作業之改善,醫院43(1):23-31,2010. 林宗茂,柯清彬,陳明晃,陳家盈,醫院氣送系統之氣送桶維修改善專案—以某區域醫院為例,醫務管理期刊,11(2):146-154,2010. 林宗茂,趙正安,柯清彬,熱泵和太陽能應用於醫院熱水系統節能減碳成效之探討-以南部某區域醫院為例,醫院44(2):42-51,2011.
專題研究 1.流動注入吸附萃取前濃縮法結合石墨爐原子吸收光譜法測量污染性河水重金屬含量之研究,2005,國科會計畫,94-2113-M-505-001。 2.雷射誘發崩解光譜儀應用在前濃縮技術、層析儀偵測器與海洋地球化學之研究,2006,國科會計畫,95-2113-M-505-001。 |